Nice to meet you,
I'm Alinda

I'm overjoyed that you are visiting my site today! Let me welcome you with an open heart and meet you where you are with curiosity and acceptance. My name is Alinda, and I am a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach as well as an accredited instructor for the Certified Trauma Specialist Training Course. I am certified at the Advanced and Supervisory levels in addition to having earned undergraduate and graduate college degrees. If you want to know me better, peruse my story below. Please consider contacting me to tell me all about you and why you are interested in coaching!
I'm Alinda
Owning our stories and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we'll ever do.
--Brene Brown
What's Your Story?
One of the greatest gifts of trauma recovery coaching is the choice it offers to tell your story or not tell your story. Coaching is built on a foundation of relationship, which is rooted in trust and safety. You are encouraged to hold your story tight to you until/if you ever become interested in sharing it. However, if you do choose to examine the ways you have been traumatized and lean into them in an effort to know yourself, creating your own story from those events can be therapeutic and empowering. It is an opportunity to use you voice and have a choice, which I encourage in every single client. Your story is uniquely yours. You own it, you lived it, it is a piece of you.

a bit more about
My story
I was born and raised near Dallas, Texas, and I still call Dallas my home. I was an 80s teenager (with BIG hair), and I have a lot of happy memories growing up in spite of some quite painful memories of trauma and abuse. I went to college and then graduate school from my early 20s to early 30s. I've always loved learning. Writing has been an outlet for my emotional challenges since I was eight years old. I integrate issues of language, narrative, and emotional literacy into all the therapeutic work I do, to the degree that it is appropriate for any given client. I have spent my adult life working in social services, advocacy, and education and freelancing as a writer. Then in 2019 I was introduced to trauma recovery coaching and fell in love with the modality. I've been able to weave all these experiences and skills into my coaching practice. I've been a single mom for the past eleven years and now have three incredible adult children who are the center of everything in my life. I believe in kindness and in hope. I believe in things I cannot see--my faith comforts me, and in things I can see--my knowledge guides me. I believe in baby steps, tears, laughter, restoration, and second chances. I believe in taking the long, scenic route and swimming in the cool waters of rest after exploring the terrain of self-compassion and sweaty healing work. When you are ready to start on your discovery journey, I'd be honored to walk alongside you if you'd allow me.
Get to know me
My go-to coffee order:
Cinnamon Dulce Latte
I can't work without:
Lots of natural light!
My friends would describe me as:
Empathetic, Brave, Creative
My favorite Instagram pic:

My pride and joy:

The most important thing you can know about me is that I am passionate about creating a space where you are safe, comfortable, empowered, seen, heard and cared for. That's the sacred space where you can embrace your full self and gather tools and perspectives to guide you on a journey that, although demanding, is also filled with truth and wonder.